Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Remembering Jack LaLanne

It was sad news today, hearing that an American icon had died. Just about everybody knew Jack - whether you grew up working out to his videos and heeding his diet tips, watched your parents doing that, or had just checked out a few of his incredible feats of strength on youtube, he was a man that appealed to all age groups and all walks of life. His message was simple, but honest; If you work out and eat healthy, you'll live a long, happy life.

News of his passing was especially sad for us, because we'd known Jack very well for many years. He loved my great grandfather, and for 67 years he'd been coming into the restaurant! In fact, he had his 92nd birthday with us, and many other great dinners over the years.

                      LaLanne with his family (and Sal!) at Patsy's.                      
There are some celebrities that come into a restaurant quietly, eat their meals quickly, and leave. Not Jack! Whenever he walked into Patsy's, he immediately infused the restaurant with his personality and endless enthusiasm. He was always happy to talk to fans of his, and would even go over to other tables and chat with them! It really is a testament to his fitness message that he was always so full of vigor and energy.

Regarding that message, you might be wondering what it was that he'd eat when he was at Patsy's! Well, his favorite meal consisted of the following:

- Chopped Salad for starters. He always liked anchovies in his - gotta have that protein!

- Grilled Salmon with mustard sauce as a main course. If you're trying to watch your weight, this is actually a great dish. It's very lean, but the mustard sauce makes it incredibly flavorful and juicy.

- Grilled asparagus on the side. He'd have oil and vinegar on his, for flavor.

If you are trying to watch your weight (after all it's still January, so those New Years resolutions are in full swing now!), then next time you come into Patsy's, you should give this a shot! After all, it clearly worked for Jack.

So God bless, Jack, and here's to hoping they have a gym big enough for you in Heaven!

                              "To my friends at Patsy's - Your Food is Great. It fills me up, not out!" ~ Jack LaLanne


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