Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Saint Joseph's Day!

It's Saint Joseph's Day again today, which means we have a lot to celebrate.

First off, there's our exclusive Saint Joseph's Day menu, packed with a choice selection of our favorites for the holiday. We've got stuffed artichokes, stuffed mushrooms, minestrone soup, broccoli rabe, Pasta con Sardi, Striped Bass alla Livornese, and (of course!) Zeppole de San Giuseppe.

You've got to try one of these!
For those that don't know, Saint Joseph's Day is the celebration of Jesus's earthly father and the husband of the virgin Mary. Since he's such an important saint, Christians around the world show him a lot of admiration and respect by naming their children after him!

Such is the case with our very own Uncle Joe. If you haven't read last years blog (or you want to refresh your memory), click here to read it all! Joe Scognamillo is one of the pillars of the restaurant, and has worked here since his father created Patsy's all those years ago.

So on today we honor Saint Joseph, Uncle Joe, and some pretty great food! Not a bad day, all in all.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Patsy's 109th Birthday!

It's March 6th again, which means that it's Patsy's 109th birthday today! Once again, all of us in the Patsy's family are remembering the man who did so much and sacrificed so much for us.

It really is incredible what kind of business he established. Even today, his dreams and goals live themselves out every day in the restaurant. As an example, I was in last night to get some work done. While there, I had lunch with my cousin Sal (who I've always viewed as an uncle), said hello to my Aunt Connie and Uncle Harry, who were in to see a live show by George Pettignano (more on that show tomorrow!), and drove home with my father when the restaurant was closed. Our family still, to this day, is a part of everything the restaurant does.

In fact, the Patsy's family even extends online. I'm not sure if you all know this, but my Aunt Annie also works on the site, processing sauce/pasta orders and managing customer feedback. In fact, my brother was the one that made the banner for Patsy's birthday!

We can't say "thank you" enough to Patsy, and while the best way to honor him is by doing our best to keep the restaurant going strong and running smoothly, on his birthday we always remember him in our own special way.

If you'd like to read last year's birthday blog post, which details some defining moments in his life, it's right here.

So once again, Happy Birthday, Patsy! We'll keep your dream going!