Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's a busy day for Sal on Sunday!

Hey all,

Just wanted to bring you some exciting news - this Sunday, Chef Sal will be appearing on two separate shows!

He'll be getting things started bright and early on CBS (channel 2). At 8:50 AM, Sal will be doing some cooking with Tony Tantillo. They're making Pasta Con Lenticchie. Literally, that means "Pasta with Lentils", but it's a bit more involved than that, as you'll see in the segment. If you aren't familiar with the dish, or you've had it and would love to make some yourself, this is a must-see!

But maybe the early morning's not your thing? No problem! At 2:30 pm, Sal will make a guest appearance on a fundraiser that telecare tv is hosting. Since telecare is a cable channel, whether or not you have it will depend on your provider.

If you do end up missing both Sal's 8:50 AM and 2:30 pm clips, we'll be sure to post the videos on the site, so check back afterwards to watch them both! Hopefully you'll be able to see them live, though - it's always more fun that way!


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